
  • 2020/10/17(周六) 10:00(+0800) ~ 16:50(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google 日曆 )
  • TESL 高雄電競館 TESL Kaohsiung Esports Arena / 高雄市苓雅區海邊路15號第五棟(高雄流行音樂中心 鯨魚堤岸O5)
  • 255 / 300
  • 高雄市電影館 聯絡主辦單位

 VR製作企劃案發表會|VR Production Market - Project Presentation 




09:30-10:00   開放入場&開幕儀式 Registration & Opening Talk


 XR國際論壇|International XR Forum 

聚焦「創作發展」及「產業趨勢」兩面向,XR國際論壇匯集沈浸式內容領域頂尖創作者、製作公司與產業代表,分享其研究觀察與案例經驗, 以創作內容、技術發展、產業新知、市場環境與現況等時興議題切入,剖析當代創作思維及產業脈絡,促成跨域專業人士之對話與交流,深入挖掘產業現況與挑戰、最新趨勢及未來展望。

部分講題以外文進行 ,現場備有同步口譯設備,請憑身份證件登記領取。


13:00-13:30  開放入場

****前 15 名入場觀眾可免費獲得《新活水雜誌:下一部台灣電影一本****


A.2020高雄原創VR - 導演創作分享
Directors' Talk - 2020 Kaohsiung VR FILM LAB Originals

周東彥|CHOU Tung-Yen


Chou is the creative director of Very Theatre and Very Mainstream Studio. Chou's interdisciplinary work in theatre and film has been invited internationally. His recent films has been nominated by Golden Horse Awards, and screened in Seattle International Film Festival, OutFest and NewFest.

賴冠源|LAI Kuan-Yuan

畢業於法國高等資訊視覺傳播學院,2017 年首部VR短片〈哈瑪星列車〉於高雄電影節首映,入選新影像藝術節正式競賽片、更獲國內外眾多獎項如熱海映画祭最佳VR影片獎。擅長以奇幻及烏托邦風格,結合地方性與全球化的民間故事及環境創作。

Lai’s first VR film “The Train Hamasen” premiered in 2017 KFF and nominated by NewImages Festival etc., VR projects Pneumo Hacker and Vacuum Cleaners were presented in Festivals in 2019.

陳識安|CHEN Shih-An

台灣人,生活於大島。2018年赴倫敦攻讀人類學院民族誌與紀錄片製作研究所。於英國期間擔任 XR Hub 製作助理、Spatial Audio Labs 聲音後期助理,創作專注於環境、自然生態、土地等議題。希望以 VR/XR 沈浸式技術開發,關懷這顆藍色星球。

Chen Shih-An received her MA from London UCL Ethnographic and Documentary Film. Based in Taiwan, she explores different possibilities of storytelling through VR focusing on topics related to nature and environments.


B.跨界應用跨國合製案例<攻殼機動隊Ghost Chaser>
"Ghost Chaser" Case Study- The Extraordinary Combination of Simulation Technology and Creative Content

鄭駿豪│CHENG Chun-Hao

智崴資訊股份有限公司董事│Director of Brogent Technologies Inc.


Ph.D in Business Studies, Meiji University. As a Professor in Department of Finance, I-Shou University and Graduate Institute of Hospitality Management, NKUHT. He leads Brogent Group to enter the Japanese market and established important strategic partnerships with Kodansha and Dentsu since 2016.

郡司幹雄│GUNJI Mikio

Production I.G. 製作人│Producer of Production I.G.

因為受到『攻殻機動隊S.A.C. 感動而從金融機關轉職進入Production I.G.。擔任『銀河英雄伝説Die Neue These』執行製作,2015年首次與東弘明導演合作『攻殻機動隊 新劇場版 Virtual Reality Diver』,2018年時再次聯手為VR體感遊樂設備「hexaRide」製作『攻殻機動隊GHOST CHASER』(2018)。

Mikio Gunji, Production I.G’s producer. He worked with Higashi for the first time with Ghost In The Shell The Movie: Virtual Reality Diver in 2015. Their next Ghost In The Shell is Ghost Chaser.


C.講談社VR Lab. - 掌握新興媒體的敘事形式
Kodansha VR Lab. ─ The Optimum Storytelling Forms for the Latest Media

石丸健二│ISHIMARU Kenji

講談社VR Lab.代表取締役社長│President & Executive Producer of Kodansha VR Lab., Ltd.

2005年進入日本大型CG特效工作室「多邊角動畫 (ポリゴン・ピクチュアズ)」,擔任製作人的13年間,參與多種領域和形式的CG內容:從劇場版電影、電視影集開始,到展覽用影像、光雕投影、VR等。2018年開始就任講談社VR Lab.的代表取締役社長。為了「探索適合用VR述說的故事」,致力於VR內容的企劃、製作、傳播。代表作:
劇場版電影「哥吉拉  三部曲(GODZILLA 三部作)」(2017-2018年,監製)
電視影集「銀河騎士傳 (シドニアの騎士)第一、二季」(2015-2016,監製)
VR偶像「Hop Step Sing!VR音樂錄影帶」(2017-2020,製片)
長篇VR動畫「Last Dance」(2020年,製片)

ISHIMARU Kenji joined Polygon Pictures Inc., a Japanese 3D CG animation studio since 2005. He has produced a wide variety of CG content, from animation movie, TV series, exhibition image, projection mapping to Virtual Reality. Kenji is the representative director(代表取締役社長) in Kodansha VR Lab. since 2018.
To pursue the optimum storytelling forms for the latest media, he has devoted himself into VR content planning, production, and distribution. His representative works are:
Animation movie “GODZILLA” Part 1-3, 2017-2018, Executive Producer
TV series “Knights of Sidonia” Season 1-2, 2015-2016, Executive Producer
VR Idol “Hop Step Sing! VR Music video” 2017-2020, Producer
VR animation film “Last Dance” 2020, Producer


D.走向未來 - 結合互動設計的娛樂型態
Leading the Way to the Future Entertainment with Interactive Design

史都華坎貝爾 | Stuart 'Sutu' CAMPBELL

導演、新媒體藝術家、EyeJack共同創辦人 | VR/AR and comic artist, digital storyteller & co-founder of EyeJack

擅以科技、藝術突破傳統敘事方式,作品深獲知名廠Google、迪士尼喜愛,更曾參與漫威《奇異博士》、電影《一級玩家》的視效設計。Sutu至今已創作4部具人文關懷且風格極具的VR紀錄片作品,包括與SBS製作的紀錄片〈Inside Manus〉,探討澳洲馬努斯島離案羈留政策、與Ryot Films製作的〈Mind at War〉、與NITV製作的〈The Battle of Hamel〉,講述澳洲戰爭歷史。最新的VR反轉之作〈腦洞大開〉(Legends of the Brush)曾獲洛杉磯電影節最佳VR電影大獎,廣受各界肯定。

史都華亦是知名漫畫家、互動設計師,他的互動式網路漫畫《These Memories Won’t Last》,曾獲美國最大漫畫獎艾斯納獎提名、其他作品有受威比獎肯定的《Nawlz》、榮獲The Gold Ledge獎項的《Neomad》、《Modern Polaxis》。

Sutu uses art and technology in new ways to tell stories. He has been commissioned by the likes of MarvelGoogle and Disney to create VR art for properties such as Doctor Strange and Ready Player One.  He has also created four VR documentaries; Inside Manus for SBS, Mind at War for Ryot Films and The Battle of Hamel for the Australian War Memorial and Future Dreaming for NITV. His recent VR trilogy, Legends of the Brush was the winner of the Best Virtual Reality film at the LA Film Awards. He is also known for his interactive comics including the Eisner-nominated These Memories Won’t Last. The Webby award-winning Nawlz, The Gold Ledger-winning Neomad, and Modern Polaxis. He holds a Honorary Doctorate of Digital Media from Central Queensland University, is a 2017 Sundance Fellow and is the co-founder of EyeJack an Augmented Reality company based in LA and Sydney. 


E. 5G+VR - 發行市場現況與未來
5G + VR ─ The Distribution Market at Present and Its Future

鄭心│ Jimmy CHENG

數字王國內容及營運總監Director of Content & Business Operations


Jimmy Cheng is focusing on the acquisition and licensing of XR content as Director of Content at Digital Domain. He represents for over 140 studios (Atlas V / Secret Location / etc.) and engage with 9 global telecoms for finding suitable licensing opportunities. Prior to in charge of content licensing, Jimmy was hired by Digital Domain Holdings Limited as Director of Business Operations, mainly focused on daily operation, and restructuring for subsidiaries under DDHL. He was deployed to Beijing, Shanghai, and Taiwan for the integration between corporate and subsidiary.


李熙琤│C.J. LEE

遠傳電信 資深協理 │Sr. Director of FAREASTONE Digital Entertainment Service

李熙琤女士加入遠傳電信以來,歷任消費用戶事業群資費暨策略規劃處、網路暨電子商務事業群新支付育成處資深協理、總經理特助暨資深協理等職,帶領團隊參與 WiMAX執照、7-11策略合作案及Oracel 財務系統整合專案,並統籌今年度遠傳5G上市專案。


  1. Head of New Media & Digital Entertainment
  2. Head of Pricing & Strategic planning
  3. Head of  Mobile Wallet
  4. Sr, Director and Special assistant to President

Financial Sr. Manager


活動聯繫窗口|黃小姐 Ms. Huang



TESL 高雄電競館 TESL Kaohsiung Esports Arena / 高雄市苓雅區海邊路15號第五棟(高雄流行音樂中心 鯨魚堤岸O5)


票種 販售時間 售價

2020/09/30 12:00(+0800) ~ 2020/10/17 10:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費

2020/09/30 12:00(+0800) ~ 2020/10/17 10:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費

2020/09/30 12:00(+0800) ~ 2020/10/17 12:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費
XR國際論壇單場票|A.2020高雄原創VR - 導演創作分享

2020/09/30 12:00(+0800) ~ 2020/10/17 13:30(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費
XR國際論壇單場票|B.跨界應用跨國合製案例<攻殼機動隊Ghost Chaser>

2020/09/30 12:00(+0800) ~ 2020/10/17 14:20(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費
XR國際論壇單場票|C.講談社VR Lab. - 掌握新興媒體的敘事形式

2020/09/30 12:00(+0800) ~ 2020/10/17 14:50(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費
XR國際論壇單場票|D.走向未來 - 結合互動設計的娛樂型態

2020/09/30 12:00(+0800) ~ 2020/10/17 15:30(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費
XR國際論壇單場票|E.5G+VR - 發行市場現況與未來

2020/09/30 12:00(+0800) ~ 2020/10/17 16:10(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費